Get Direct Access To
Independent Money Managers & Their High Net Worth Clients

*It's A Lucrative Layer Of The Market That Most IR Firms Miss. We interviewed over $400B in AUM on the SMC show & counting...

We Have Helped Numerous Clients Double Their Market Cap
& We Want To Help You Double Yours!

Reach Our Network Of ~250,000 New Investors Today!
Private Digital Investor Road Shows
1-on-1 Investor Meetings
Private Zoom Townhalls
& More!

Reach New Investors,
Right Now

* Not Typical Results.
* Shows How Powerful The Service Can Be.

Our Audience Are Large Independent Money Managers & Their High Net Worth Clients.

We have interviewed Over >$400 Billion Dollars in AUM on our show.

We Can Reach ~250,000 investors.

>75,000 professional investors


>175,000 individual investors.

It's A Layer Of The Market Traditional IR Firms Don't Reach.

They Are Hungry & Looking For NEW Ideas.

Reach Our Audience - Every Week!

Here are some of our guests….

Season 1

1. $500 million money manager – Listen Here
2. $1.5 billion money manager – Part I Listen Here
3. $1.5 billion money manager – Part II Listen Here
4. $2 billion money manager – Part I Listen Here
5. $2 billion money manager – Part II Listen Here
6. $750 million money manager – Listen Here
7. $350 million money manager – Listen Here
8. $450 million money manager – Listen Here
9. $140 billion money manager – Listen Here
10. $400 million money manager – Listen Here

Season 2

1. $450 million money manager – Listen Here
2. $1.6 billion money manager – Listen Here
3. $900 million money manager – Listen Here
4. $400 million money manager – Listen Here
5. $550 million money manager – Listen Here
6. $210 million money manager – Listen Here
7. $500 million money manager – Listen Here
8. $250 million money manager – Listen Here
9. $650 million money manager – Listen Here
10. $1.5 billion money manager – Listen Here

Season 3

1. $2.7 billion money manager – Listen Here
2. $250 million money manager – Listen Here
3. $320 million ETF strategist & money manager Listen Here
4. $1 billion money manager Listen here
5. $5.5 billion money manager Listen Here
6. $800 million money manager Listen Here
7. $4 billion money manager Listen Here
8. $5.5 billion money manager Listen Here
9. $4.3 billion money manager Listen Here
10. $4.1 billion money manager Listen Here

Season 4

1. $2 billion money manager Listen Here
2. $HDGE ETF Portfolio Manager Listen Here
3. $32 billion money manager Listen Here
4. $100 million money manager Listen Here
5. Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Listen Here
6. $100+ million CANSLIM hedge fund manager  Listen Here
7. $100 million money manager Listen Here
8. $2.5 billion money manager Listen Here
9. $5 billion money manager Listen Here
10. $215 million money manager Listen Here

Season 5

1. $25 billion money manager Listen Here
2. $400 million money manager Listen Here
3. $100 million money manager Listen Here
4. $900 million money manager Listen Here
5. $20 billion money manager Listen Here
6. $1.7 billion money manager Listen Here
7. $400 million money manager Listen Here
8. A Living Legend – Mr. Leo Melamed, Chairman Emeritus, At The CME Group Listen Here
9. $8.1 billion money manager Listen Here
10. $1.1 billion money manager Listen Here



Investor Relations 2.0

If your current IR efforts are not giving you the results you want, it is time for something new.

Attention is binary, you either give attention or you get attention.

We are in the business of getting You (A LOT) of Attention!

Reach A Layer Of The Market Traditional IR Firms Miss

>$400 Billion Of Smart Investors Are In Our Circle

Your message will be directly delivered to our audience of large independent money managers.

Collectively, the firms that have come on our show manage over +$400 Billion!

In fact, in order to come on the show, each person must manage over $100 million dollars.

Most of guests manage between $500M-$5B!

That's a lot of fire power!

Imagine your message reaching our audience.

Week in and week out.

Like clockwork.

How It Works

Our 2-Step Process

Highest R.O.I. MESSAGE

The first step in our process is to help you create a powerful message that resonates well with investors.

Just about "everyone" thinks they have the right message but most IR messages fall short of their full potential.

We are data-driven and work with you until your message hits and exceeds the mark. We want to help you have a great R.O.I.


A compelling story and proper positioning alone are not enough to move the needle.

Once we have the "right" message we send it to actual decision makers (a.k.a. buyers) that are interested and able to invest.

What You Get

What You Get =
Your Message In Front Of Large Money Managers &
Their High Net Worth Clients

1. Full Service IR Solution: We do all the work. 
This is a white-glove, turn-key, Investor Relations service that is meticulously designed to provide your company with an exceptional IR experience.

2. Accelerate Your Investor RelationsAugment your ongoing investor relations efforts.

3. New Webinars & Better Distribution: We create new timely investor webinars which will be shared weekly to our independent money managers that manage over $100 million in AUM.

4. Progress Report: Get 24/7 access to your company’s progress report.

5. Full Transparency: Weekly updates on number of new investors contacted.

6. Priceless Intelligence: We provide any and all investor feedback so you always know what is working and what is not working. 

7. Better IR Material: We use that feedback to create new investor presentations, at your request.

8. Board Meetings: We are also available to report our progress to your board.

9. More DistributionWe also help you get you interviewed on other financial podcasts and use our network of financial influencers.

10. Reach A Layer Of The Market Traditional IR Firms Miss. Your message will be sent to our network of investors AND to other investors that we identify that would be interested in your company. No one on the Street has our network. 


(Past & Current)

Letters Of Recommendation Available Upon Request

Results Matter...

Better Investor Relations. Period.

Our team is designed to give you results.
We are only in business by delivering results.
It really is that simple.

Give us a call today to learn more:

(212) 222-8000

How Would You Feel If Your Market Cap Doubled?

Proven Results = Case Study
Market Caps Doubled

* Not Typical Results.
* Shows How Powerful The Service Can Be.

We have a track record of success in helping our clients achieve their financial goals and attract new investors. Our team has helped numerous companies improve their investor appeal and increase their market share.

In fact, we have helped two very well known companies double their market cap recently!

One is a very well known retailer and its market cap doubled three months after hiring us!Another was a small human resource company and its stock doubled in 6 weeks after hiring us!

Clearly, these are not a typical results, but just an example of how powerful our service can be!

Better IR & Personalized Support

We take a personalized approach to investor relations, tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of each client. Our team is committed to working closely with you to develop a customized investor relations plan that fits your specific goals and gives you tangible results.

Tell A Better Story...

We help companies communicate more effectively with your investors and stakeholders. We help companies develop and implement a comprehensive communication strategy, which can include revamping their investor presentation, regular investor updates, conference calls, webcasts, and other compelling forms of communication. Bottom Line, we help you tell a better story!

Increased Investor Awareness

Our IR business exists because we help companies increase awareness among investors about its business, total addressable market, products, unique value proposition(s), and services. This is designed to create greater interest in the company with the goal of increased investment.

Improved Investor Relationships

Our IR firm is designed to help companies develop and maintain positive relationships with investors and stakeholders.

Best Part =We do the work for you!

We provide you with a turnkey IR solution. We provide information and support to investors, addressing concerns and questions, and keeping investors informed about the company's progress.

Priceless Market Intelligence

We provide you with priceless intel from our investors. This can help you make better decisions and stay ahead of your competition!

Social Media Strategy & Digital Marketing

Having the "right" social media strategy in today's world is critical for just about every company that wants to attract investors.

More Social Media Benefits:

  • Increased Awareness: By actively managing your company’s social media accounts, we can help increase your brand awareness and attract new investors to your business.
  • Improved Engagement: We can help improve engagement with your company’s social media followers, which can lead to increased investor interest and support.
  • Enhanced Credibility: By maintaining an active and professional social media presence, your company can enhance its credibility and reputation with investors and stakeholders.
  • Real-time insights: Social media provides real-time insights into your company’s reputation, perception, and customer sentiment, which can be used to inform investor relations strategies.

Better Investor Relations

Our team provides a range of investor relations services, including financial analysis, market research, and strategic planning, to help your company stay ahead of the competition.

Get In Touch

Let’s talk about how you can get a better R.O.I. & Reach More Investors!
Email: or schedule a time below

Success Begets Success

Adam Sarhan

Adam is the author of the #1 best selling investing book, Psychological Analysis. He is results driven. His Smart Money Circle show is available all over the world, on every major podcast platform, on YouTube, on AdvisorHub, and on, among other places. Adam has been quoted on every major financial media network in the country. He is also a contributor to and to's team has one goal: Get You Attention from the Smart Money! Our audience are actual decision makers, real money managers, who are looking for "new" and "good" ideas. Adam has built one of the largest networks of professional investors in the world! If you want to reach our audience, please send us an email:
Please visit: to see our guests and learn more.

Celebrities & Some Of Adam's Travels

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